Games Online 18+ – Online Christmas games are fun ideas and teams can play on Zoom, Google Meet or Microsoft Teams during the holiday season. Examples include Christmas bingo, wrap races, and secret Santa. These games aim to help team members get into the holiday spirit through exciting team building activities.
These ideas include virtual Christmas party ideas, virtual gift exchange ideas, and free online team building activities.
Games Online 18+
Playing together during the holidays is a great way to promote team building. Here is our list of fun online Christmas games to play with your team this holiday season.
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Guessers Gift is a fun game with your teammates scratching their heads and having fun. To play this game, ask team members to wrap random items in their homes with holiday paper. We recommend choosing items with unique shapes, such as spatulas, video games and perfume bottles. Then, during your Zoom meeting, go one-on-one with each team member sharing their wrap materials with the group. Teammates should try to guess which item will be wrapped by asking specific questions. For example, if one team member tapped a calculator, another player might ask, “Can you use this item to solve math problems?”
Players who stump their team with their collapsed items win this game. Guessers Gift is a fun and unique game that encourages problem solving skills and critical thinking.
Holiday Bingo is one of the most popular online Christmas games for Zoom. To play holiday bingo, you should first create a special bingo card.
We recommend using the pause and chat features on Zoom to allow teammates to interact with each other and fill out their bingo cards. The first player to complete five spaces on their map wins the game.
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Guess the Santa is an interesting werewolf-style game in which participants must guess which player has the role of Santa. To play this game, designate one team member as moderator. The moderator can assign a different role to each player, including reindeer, elf, villager or Santa Claus.
In each round, the team member with the role of Santa chooses three townspeople to make the “nice list” and receive presents. Then the moderators call the reindeer to guess which people got a gift. If the reindeer guess wrong, the villagers are kicked out of the game. Then the elves go into the breakout room and vote on which player is Santa. If the elves guess correctly, it’s over. If the elves guess wrong, the game continues for another round. The goal of this game is for teammates to work through a series of tricks and situations to find out which team member has the role of Santa.
A wish list is a group activity in which team members contribute their top Christmas wish list ideas. This game is perfect for getting team members in the gift-giving spirit this holiday season. As part of this game, partners should participate in a Zoom meeting to complement their main gift ideas, such as clothes, kitchen accessories or electronics. In addition, teammates can share their ideas for gifts they want to receive or gifts they hope to give their loved ones.
This activity is similar to the bucket list activity where employees contribute their ideas to the group.
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Pro Tip: To make the activity even more fun, you can play a “fantasy wish list” where participants name expensive or non-existent gifts they would like to receive.
Nominate Christmas Jam as one of the best online Christmas puzzle games. The goal of this game is for players to guess the classic Christmas carol based on emoji clues. To play this game, put together a series of emoji phrases that reflect the name of a popular holiday song. Then share the emoji phrases with the players and let them guess the title of the song.
We recommend hosting a wrap race if you want to play a competitive game with your team. A wrapping race is a challenge in which players compete to see who can wrap the most items in a given time.
Folding Race is a competitive and high-quality game that your employees will surely enjoy. Plus, this challenge will get players up and moving!
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Scavenger Hunt is one of the most interactive online Christmas games. To do this task, players are given a point system and a list of items to search for.
Be sure to give the players five to ten minutes to search their homes for these items. After the time is up, ask team members to return to the Zoom call to add their materials and points. The workers who collect the most points are the winners.
One of the most creative free online Christmas games is Elf Names. For this activity, use an online elf name generator, like Your Elf Name, to give silly names to team members. Be sure to enter your teammates’ first and last names into the generator to get other funny elf name options, like Gumdrop Pricklylips, Jelly Toffeebean, and Snowy McJolly.
We recommend choosing your team’s elf names at the beginning of your online party and only using those names for the rest of the day. Elf Names is a fun activity that is sure to get your team laughing together.
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Cookie parties are a fun and delicious way to celebrate the holidays. As part of this activity, instruct participants to prepare their favorite Christmas cookies before the call. Then, set up a Zoom meeting where team members can show off their best decorated cookies with the group. During the call, team members should share their cookie recipe and their creative and unique designs and decorations.
A Christmas photo hunt is the perfect activity to get your team moving. The goal of this game is to get the players to take pictures of special Christmas items. The only catch is that players can only find photos of these items in their phone’s camera roll.
When you’re in your Zoom meeting with your team, give the players five to ten minutes to find pictures of these items on their phones. The player who completes the most pictures wins the game.
Participants share their favorite foods and recipes with teammates during recipe swaps. We recommend encouraging team members to submit their best holiday recipes, such as eggnog, Yule log or turkey.
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At the end of your recipe exchange, we recommend entering all submissions into a team cookbook. Your cookbook can serve as a reminder of your fun Christmas activities. In addition, a recipe exchange provides a great opportunity for team members to try their hand at cooking and tasting new dishes.
Secret Santa is one of the classic online team Christmas games. To host a Secret Santa gift exchange, match co-workers anonymously and ask them to buy each other gifts. Online gift exchange generators like Elfster can help create matching employee and partner wish lists. For an online Secret Santa, we recommend an emphasis on gifts that are almost interchangeable, such as gift cards.
We recommend hosting a holiday party on Zoom to complete your Secret Santa game. During your party, have the employees open their presents and guess their Secret Santa. This activity is a great way to bring your team closer together through a nice gift exchange.
One of the best online family Christmas games is Eye Crafts. This game is a fun challenge of trust in which participants rely on their teammates to guide them through crafting activities. Be sure to gather colored construction paper, scissors, and glue for this activity.
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To play this game, ask a partner to dress up. Then, let another player lead the blindfolded player in creating a Christmas tree using the materials. For example, this player’s instructions might involve cutting a sheet of paper in a zig-zag style and then laying down smaller pieces of paper.
One of the most interactive online Christmas activities is Gingerbread Wars. Gingerbread Wars is a virtual celebration and team building event. As part of the activity, a gingerbread decoration kit will be sent to the participants in advance. During the event, attendees will participate in mini-challenges, such as holiday trivia and gingerbread selfies.
We recommend holding a Christmas puzzle contest as one of the best holiday games online. To organize this activity, come up with some riddles and answers.
Once you have your list of puzzles, host a game show-style Zoom Party where teams battle it out to answer the funniest and most confusing puzzles. Christmas puzzles are a fun way to get your team scratching their heads as they solve these fun puzzles.
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One of the most popular online Christmas games for Zoom is Holiday Storytime. To play this game, one team member must create the first line of a story. After that, successive players should continue the story by adding their own sentences.
For example, this first player can start the story with: “Once upon a time there lived a reindeer at the North Pole.” The next player can continue the story: “This reindeer was named Snowy, and he was Rudolph’s long-lost brother. The game should continue until each member of the team has a