Bons Casino India: Your Top Destination For Casino Gaming! – [1/3] People line up for mass tests for the coronavirus (COVID-19) near the ruins of St Paul’s in Macau, China on June 20, 2022 / John Mack
HONG KONG, July 8 () – Macau authorities added two hotels in popular casino resorts to be used as COVID-19 medical facilities from Friday as they try to increase capacity to deal with a surge in infections in the world’s biggest gambling hub.
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The east wing of Grand Lisboa Palace, owned by SJM Holdings ( 0880.HK ), and the Grand Hyatt Hotel, owned by Melco Resorts, will together offer 800 rooms, he said.
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Macau reported 88 new cases on Friday, bringing the total to 1,303 since mid-June. According to officials, more than 17,000 people are under quarantine.
Authorities have locked down 22 apartment buildings across Macau while they conduct a sixth round of mass testing across the city for all residents. Read more
Closed buildings include the famous Grand Lisboa Hotel on Macau’s bustling main peninsula. More than 500 people have been locked in the hotel for at least five days since Tuesday after the cases were discovered. Read more
The former Portuguese colony has only one public hospital for more than 600,000 residents, and its health system was stretched before the coronavirus outbreak.
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Authorities have set up a makeshift hospital in a sports dome near the city’s Las Vegas-style Cotai Strip and are being assisted by about 600 medical workers from the mainland.
More than 90% of Macau residents are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, but this is the first time the city has battled the fast-spreading Omicron variant of the coronavirus.
Macau follows China’s “zero COVID” policy, which aims to contain all outbreaks at all costs, contrary to the global trend of trying to coexist with the virus.
Although the government has not imposed the city-wide lockdown seen in China’s major cities, Macau is effectively on lockdown and most facilities are closed. Residents have been asked to stay at home, public transport is limited and restaurants are serving take-out only.
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On Thursday, residents thronged food markets and grocery stores, declaring that the city would be completely shut down. The government denied the rumors and urged the public not to panic or stockpile food, local broadcaster TDM reported.
Neighboring global financial center Hong Kong has faced similar confusion after repeated rumors of a lockdown. Authorities there have never imposed a full lockdown and have begun to ease COVID restrictions, even as the number of cases reaches nearly 3,000 daily.
Residents are increasingly frustrated with the government’s handling of the outbreak. Some residents have had to queue for more than 20 hours to access medical facilities, and many are desperate to get back to work.
“There’s a lot of anger in the community,” said one casino executive, who declined to be named because of company policy.
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Casinos are allowed to stay open to preserve jobs, but executives have said it doesn’t make sense to have staff on hand despite the lack of business.
The gaming industry accounts for over 80% of government revenue, with the majority of people directly or indirectly employed by casino resorts.
Farah Master is a senior correspondent where she focuses on health, demography and the environment in China. He worked in London, Beijing and Shanghai before moving to Hong Kong in 2013. With reporting experience in markets, companies, sports, politics, general news and economics, he was part of a team named as a finalist for the 2020 Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting on the Hong Kong uprising. Farah speaks English, Chinese and Spanish. He holds an MA in Development Studies from the London School of Economics. Contact: +85296318262
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